I Sat on a Patch of Moss for You

I sat on a patch of moss for you

And wondered what was next

The creek did flow and the birds did sing

A sun beam shined right through the trees,

Landing on my makeshift nest


I sat on a patch of moss for you 

And wondered what was next

But the clouds rolled in and the sun soon faded

the birds grew quiet

but still, I waited.


I sat on a patch of moss for you

wondering what was next

And as the rain poured down 

With that thunderous shout

I need not fret, you need not doubt


Because I sit on this patch of moss for YOU

Often wondering what is next

And when life comes, it will not matter 

I dare not forfeit, I will not scatter


Of what may come, I cannot say

Yet still I sit, each and everyday 

So won't you rest, and come sit with me

We can wonder later

Right now, just let it be. 







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